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Camping in Ille et Vilaine in Bain de Bretagne near Brocéliande

Bain de Bretagne in Ille-et-Vilaine not far from Broceliande

Ideally located, Bain-de-Bretagne is 100 km from Mont-Saint-Michel and the beaches of Saint-Malo, Dinard (Emerald Coast) and the north coast of the Ille-et-Vilaine département (Cancale, Dol de Bretagne, Rothéneuf and its sculpted rocks...), it is the same distance from the Atlantic coast (Morbihan), Carnac and its alignments, La Baule or Pornic (Loire-Atlantique). For more information, contact the the town hall or the Bain de Bretagne Tourist Office, or the Comité Départemental de Tourisme (Bretagne35).

Pays de Brocéliande: Paimpont, the forest of Brocéliande is the setting for the legend of King Arthur, the mythical court of Brittany.

Camping Ille et Vilaine

Closer to the campsite you can make the following visits

  • Le manoir de l'automobile de Lohéac (17 km), Le Château de Châteaubriant (28 km).
  • In Rennes: Musée de Bretagne, Musée des Beaux-Arts, Chapelle Saint-Yves, Cathédrale St-Pierre,
  • Ecomusée du Pays de Rennes, with its half-timbered houses.
  • Meilleraye-de-Bretagne Abbey (40 km).

And all the heritage sites in Bain-de-Bretagne: Gallo-Roman remains, schist town houses, the Noé-St-Yves and Robinais castles, the Bertaud windmill, the tanners' route, etc.

Camping en Bretagne